Our Mission
Connecting Everyone to the Wonders of Our Parks

As the philanthropic partner of the Park District, we...
Help promote and sustain high-quality educational programs, services, and facilities
Further the development, growth, and excellence of the Park District
Enhance public understanding, advocacy, and use of the parks
Actively seek, accept, and manage donated funds and property
Check out this video to learn more about our future goals
Your donations help ensure that the programs we support in the Park District are fully funded, and help cover our operating expenses. We also accept gifts with specific designations, for example memorials, or support for a specific park, program, facility, or project in the Park District that is important to you.
Our partner, Three Rivers Park District, provides environmental education programs, recreation, and environmental stewardship throughout its world class 27,000-acre park and nature center system in the Twin Cities metro area. For more information visit threeriversparks.org.